Thursday, November 10, 2016

21 Years Together

It is my favorite time of year again, Rudi and my wedding anniversary! This year we went up to Santa Cruz to celebrate. As always spending time just the two of us was lots of fun and refreshing! We enjoyed eating out and exploring the city of Santa Cruz. We got pretty good at riding the micros and figuring out where we were. We also did lots of walking, so much so that the day I wore my new flip flops I got a blister on top of each foot...
Breakfast at Alexander's our favorite breakfast spot in all
of  Bolivia!

The "Love Birds"
riding on a micro (public transportation)
Each afternoon or evening we had the tradition of eating at our favorite ice cream place. They give you samples and it is a hard decision deciding which one to get! It is all so yummy! My favorite is their, Tiramisu!

Eating ice cream in the plaza next to where we were staying!

Good to the last drop!! Mint Chocolate Chip!!
After the weekend we had more of "working trip." We had to move our adoption follow-ups from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz. This involved many trips to the Palacio de Justicia (judicial building) and the 11th floor of the building, no less. The two elevators that service this 20 some floor building had an hour and a half line to ride them. We decided to take the stairs two days in a row... I would love to say that my legs handled it, but I could barely walk the following days!! Our time was successful and we got everything situated and dates for our second adoption follow-up. We had to stay an extra day in Santa Cruz to make it all happen, but we felt accomplished when we headed home.
View of Santa Cruz from the 11 floor of the Judicial Building

Love seeing that sign appear "11th Floor"
We were also super pleased to see that Starbucks has arrived in Bolivia AND it is right down the street from where we stayed. If you wonder why I don't gush and show pictures of where we stayed, it is because we went the budget route and stayed in the familiar, but comfortable New Tribes Guest House. We didn't want to spend a lot of money and then be disappointed with where we were staying.  Reading reviews on Trip Advisor for Santa Cruz makes you want to just stay home!!! But because our lodgings were cheap, that meant that we had extra to splurge on eating out!!
"A taste of home" STARBUCKS!

Rudi fixing up the perfect Americano!

A coffee for two!
We did get tired of eating out and that is why we love the Guest House, because we can walk to the supermarket and get our ingredients for a scrumptious dinner.
Rudi getting ready to start on our dinner!

The end result... Taco Salad with two
salsas. The red one on the left is a spicy
Llaqua. The green is a Ranch style dressing.
Every year gets better being married to my best friend, Rudi. We have weathered many a storm, truimph, and trial together. I am so thankful for my husband and our relationship!


  1. The fruit on your pancakes looks delicioua!
    At least there is a bit of a reward for climbing all those stairs (besides avoiding the hour and a half wait for the lift) with that wide vista from that level. Thank you for showing us the view.
    Starbucks looks so clean, but it looks as if it has not taken hold quite like in the USA, yet~~judging by its lack of customers. You boosted their sales with your two-for-one drink. LOL :D
    Your lodging appears quite pleasant and offers some delightfully colored mugs. The taco salad looks very refreshing. I see you splurged and had cheese on your taco salad.
    As always, thank you for taking the time (I appreciate that more now that I have tried to blog a bit) to keep us in the loop with your doings and pictures of said doings! :) Very satisfying! Keep up the good work!

    Hugs and love,

  2. I wondered why I have been missing your blogs, and just found out that they were going into my "promotions" folder instead of the "primary" inbox! Now I am catching up!

    Loved this blog about your trip to Santa Cruz. A very late congratulations on your 21st wedding anniversary! Your marriage has come of age! :) Carla, thank you for being such a wonderful wife to our son!

    What a fun trip for you both, and a nice break from the norm. Thanks for including so many pictures. We get a good look at what is happening!

    Love you both so much,

