Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tia's Suegra (1947- Dec 10, 2014)

Carla and Tia's Suegra, May 2014

      In the early hours of this morning, the beautiful woman with me in the picture above passed into the arms of Jesus. This woman, whom we know as Tia Techy's Suegra (mother-in-law), was a very special friend of mine. It wasn't until last month that I realized that I didn't even know her name! Every time we would stop by to visit, she would be sitting in this area where the picture was taken, right outside of her outside kitchen. She was always kind and peaceful. She loved to have someone just sit and visit with her. Since her first language was Quechua and mine is English, we communicated great in our heavily accented Spanish! She had a fun sense of humor and was a true "kindred spirit". She was super excited to hear that we were coming back to Bolivia. I am sad that we only got to see her a few short times since we got back.
       Tia's Suegra was not very old, just 67 years, but she suffered from a lot of pain in her knees and finally these last months in her back. We knew that she had been suffering from a lot of pain these past months, but did not think that she was near deaths door. It was a real blow and surprise to receive the phone call from Javier this morning, that his mother had died during the night. Tia's Suegra and Suegro (father-in-law) have been married for over 34 years and were together all the time. Their relationship was very close and sweet to watch, in a culture where a lot of marriages are not that way. She died in his arms and he kept saying to Rudi and I, when we went to see them this morning, "She's left me. Who am I going to talk with? Who is going to keep me company?"
While we are mourning with those left behind, we are rejoicing that Tia's Suegra is with the Lord and is not suffering from the terrible pain that she was experiencing these past months and years. She will be remembered by me as a joyful Sister in the Lord. She will be very missed by everyone who knew her. Psalm 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints"


  1. Oh, this made me cry, Carla. Is Tia Suegra Javier's mother? May our Father comfort Tio Suegro--and all who knew and loved her.

  2. Yes, Tia's Suegra is Javier's mother! I changed some wording to make that more clear. Tia and Javier live with Javier's parents and she cared for their children when they were both working, so she leaves a big hole in the family.
