Friday, February 1, 2013

Lets Boogie!

Hi everybody! This is my first recording project! I hope you all enjoy it! It certainly is not outstanding, but for my first's not too bad! Enjoy the Twelve Bar Blues Boogie!
You may have to wait a bit!


  1. Vienna, Uncle Dwight and I are rocking out

    1. Good! I'm glad you are! I had a BLAST making it! even though I probably spent 5 hours or more on it...:/

  2. Big love and hugs from Aunt Margee!! Loved listening!! Blessings!! :)

  3. I really, really like it! You did a great job, Emily.
    Hope to talk to you soon,

  4. Oh, yes! What a fun "listen."

    Well, done, Emily Jo. I will be listening to this again as soon as I quit typing this comment. Keep up the good work.

    I love you,


  5. Emily Jo,

    Liberty, Aunt Carrie and I were just listening to--and enjoying--your recording, and we are wondering if you are the only musician or if your daddy was playing guitar along with you?

    1. It was all me! I wanted to have daddy on the fiddle but it never worked out! I'm so glad you like it! More songs to come soon!

    2. Ps. I played the guitar and the ukulele but not the dums!

    3. She meant "drums" and she did play the drums that she downloaded an app for. They do not play themselves! Madre de Emily:)

  6. Dear Emily,

    I've been off the computer for over a week!!

    Twelve Bar Blues Boogie is simply great! The recording is excellent. The sound is pure and true. You must have a good microphone. I love the feel you have for the music--not like you are just playing a lot of notes. I can just see you kinda hunched over your uke, rockin' the notes out! Makes me miss you so much!!!!

    Great job on the skillful arrangement of three instruments. This takes thought and gift!

    I had Grandpa B listen, too. He was duly impressed!

    Te amo!

    Grandma B

    1. Thank you so much for the encouraging comment Grandma B!
      I had a lot of fun making this for you all to enjoy!

      Yes I do have a very nice microphone thanks to my amazing Uncle Chris!

      I have had not a little trouble trying to figure out how everything works! Sometimes I wish I had had some sort of training before I plunged into this Crazy thing! But I am learning by trial and lots of errors!

      Te amo tu tambien!
      Ukulele Jo!
